Detoxification Diet: Body Cleanse
Super Body Cleansers And Detox For Athletes
Essential amino acids are those amino acids which we humans are not able to synthesize in sufficient quantities to meet our daily needs and that must be supplied by the food we eat. One of the servings of vegetables at least should be raw vegetables such as carrots celery or cauliflower. It only requires a finger prick blood sample and is a in home test kit. The human body is programmed to tackle low-level toxic attacks. Our bodies can detoxify potential carcinogens, or repair genetic damages. The protective mechanisms are repair, cellular shedding, detoxification and dietary antioxidants. The human body is quite capable of detoxification if it is fed with adequate water and fiber. If you have heart problems cancer or other major diseases you are advised to not use this form of diet.If we regularly eat a more balanced and well-combined diet such as my Ideal Diet we will have less need for fasting and toning plans although both would still be required at certain intervals throughout the year. Free radicals come from many household products.
Chlorella Colon Cleanse
The combination of vitamins and minerals through detoxification work in this fashion to remove toxins from your body tissues and body organs. This is done through our sweat feces and urine. Some detox programs still rely on simply water and fasting while others outline specific diets which tend to be mostly raw food. My clients are sometimes disturbed by this event but thereafter convinced continue their complete Internal Cleansing Kit each year with some mini detox in between. which not just benefit and strengthen our blood circulation kidneys liver bowels and lungs but our general health in the long run.
Detox - The Process Of Cleansing And Restoration
While our livers can still function despite a lot of damage once you've started feeling sluggish digest poorly have dull skin and start developing dark eye circles it's time to reward it for its hard work by undergoing a detox phase. Over time consumption of processed foods non-vegetarian foods and sugars leads to clogging of the inner walls of the colon with waste matter. emotional. Then, in November 2003, Woman's World magazine came to me with an unusual request. They wanted a one-day juice fast, the recipe for a special brew that would enable readers to quickly lose 3 to 5 pounds so they could fit into that special outfit or take off that holiday weight. You may have just pampered yourself with some kind of bodywork-this sometimes stimulates a healing crisis. This is a good thing. See Best Way To Body Cleanse You only need to do your research and there will be lots of detoxification procedures to choose from however it is always advisable to see your physician to be sure of what toxins constitute risk to your health and perhaps the best method to get rid of these. Toxins come in various forms and manners; the one unifying thing about them all is that they are dangerous to your health. The exhaust from your automobile is known to be rich in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and medical scientists have shown that as little as 0.5% of these chemicals in the blood holds dangerous implication for health. The basic idea behind any detoxification program is; first.
Colon Diseases
As food is digested the nutrients and toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream. These toxins will continue to contaminate the cells instead of providing the nourishment that the cells need. The next recommendation to ensure good health is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Although fruits and most vegetables are restricted in the initial phase of some low carbohydrate diets they are then allowed back in limited amounts. You want the natural sugar along with all of the vitamins minerals and fiber in the *whole* apple. See more Master Cleanse Opinions Calorie and carbohydrate intake are reduced leading to weight loss.
Detox Diet Drink
Just name it. However there are certain individuals who do not make good candidates for a detox diet. But I draw the line at certain things. The problem is that there is little scientific evidence that these things really work, other than making us think that we are doing something healthy. The massive diet and nutrition industries have created yet another myth, the Detox Myth, encouraging us to spend money on pills, treatments, spa breaks, books etc, but the benefits of the products are questionable, and the claims are not supported by science. The result is a gradual build up in toxin levels in the body and this can cause a wide variety of health problems including chronic fatigue acne headaches nausea and even chronic ailments which do not respond to conventional medicine. Learn more at This epic human tragedy led the Soviet society on a desperate search for ways to detoxify and protect their people from radiation poisoning. But it's a nice introduction to the issue and one you'll need to be aware of as you procede with your own personal herbal remedy learning.
Kathrine Perkins is an expert in Master Cleanse Ingrediants for over 10 years. Search Detox info at
In recent years, it has aroused worldwide concern in the benign function of anion in medical and sanitation caring field. With years of endeavor, Shen Zhen Winalite Technologi Co., Ltd. Has developed functional health caring sanitary napkin, added additional value and high technologic content to ordinary sanitary napkin and won national patent. Anion chip in “Love Moon” can be project 5800 anion per cubic cm, it effectively restain the souice of vaginalitis-living and duplication of vaginalitis-living and duplication of germ and virus with this high concentration. Almost all the feminine diseases were caused by anaerolineae. Phisical course can achieve effects including metabolism promotion, internal secretion improvement, and imunity enhancement, pressure adjustment, anti germs, inflammation dimishing, odor elimination and fatigue removing. By caring women’s helath, “Love Moon” anion sanitary napkin play an active role in women’s procreation caring.
Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Unique 8 effects Characteristcs of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin
1. Dry and fresh, breathable and feeling free.
Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin consists of surface layer, absorbent layer and bottom layer. For the first layer, it uses ultra thin cotton to make it comfortable and dry to prevent the skin from wetness;breathable material, which makes wetness in air form get through easily, in order to achieve wetness releasing purpose, effectively reduce wetness and frowziness between sanitary napkin and body, maintain dry, fresh and breathable.
2. Physical course to adjust enginery and enhance immunity.
Anion chips are set in the cotton net form of sanitary napkin, when using it can project condense anion, physical course can adjust enginery, enhance immunity, remove toxin and anti germs, control odor, without any side effects.
3. Use high effective and super absorbent material to solve physical demand in all scale.
The sanitary napkin in produced by high effective, super absorbent material, leak proof film and paper. The absorbent layer is processed by special techniques. When the liquid rapidly runs along surface layer to the inside layer, it will be thoroughly absorbed and locked by the absorbent layer, prevent infiltrating and leaking. It can achieve purposes including powerful absorbent function, not leaking, not sticky, at the same time you will feel good to wear it and feel convenient when doing activities.
4. Meet national sanitation standard, preven infection.
Dry, bresthable, clean are three main mission for caring private parts. We strictly follow national GB150702002 sanitation standart to manufacture clean products.
Main ensuring we are using :
•Stricly regulate original materials especially sanitation standart fir the originals to produce sanitary napkins.
•Use international advance sealing producing workshop to automatically produce and pack successively. It has passed ISO9001:2000 International Quality Management System Authorization.
•Use advance easy-to-pull sticker to pack the product in order to ensure non-affection of germs and mildews.
5. Present colpitis self-test card to make determining checking for the health of gentials.
Present self – test card in every package Check your healthy condition by color
The self-test card in unique national patent invention, testing the before and after effects and processing positioning analysis for the health of genitals.
Patent number : CN99109875.7Aplication:
1. Directly appaly secretion in the mouth of sunt with the cotton stick and apply it onto the testing paper;
2. Compare the color of testing paper to get the testing result
Every thought and emotion affects your health. A holistic health approach encompasses treating the whole person: the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Traditional cultures have known for thousands of years that these aspects are intimately connected. Every food we eat, every thought we entertain, every emotion we feel and every interaction we experience impacts overall health.
Many blame their health problems on genetics, a virus, toxins in the air, and stress. While these factors can contribute to illness, very often problems result from a lack of fundamental health-enhancing qualities such as responsibility, a strong will, family support, passion, a balanced lifestyle and a knowledge of good health. Without these, whatever modality is chosen becomes just another pill to be taken and discarded when symptoms disappear.
When disease is artificially removed without changing the underlying cause, long-term health will NOT be achieved. The quick fix approach brings little or no permanent success. I am not suggesting that we abandon medical treatment. I am recommending that we look for the deeper causes of the problem from a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and lifestyle perspective. We need to take the holistic health perspective. Lasting solutions can be found to multiple illnesses of society by getting at the root of the problem holistically.
I have observed patterns among those who have successfully reversed health problems. These traits are not rigid models. We all have them to some degree. They are holistic health approaches that each of us can maximize in our own unique way to return to our natural state of health.
Here are some very important steps you must take to achieve optimal holistic health. I can assure you that by putting these into practice, your overall health will be much improved! Sometimes you have to reevaluate what it is that you are doing with your life. By doing this, you will start to see the big picture.
Lets start with the first step, RESPONSIBILITY. This means not blindly accepting the opinion of some outside authority as the only way. Take a look at your previous choices for they may have led you to the problem. Then recognize that you can make new choices to remedy the situation.
I am not telling you to stop seeing your health practitioner. I am suggesting that you gather as much information as possible and make your own decisions. Taking responsibility is meant to empower us to make new choices for a healthier result.
Next is AWARENESS, which simply is deeply knowing yourself by observing your thoughts and beliefs, your choices and outcomes, and your response to the world around you. As you observe, ask questions. Do you believe you can recover your health? What does the illness have to teach you? Why do you make the choices you make? What do you need to know? Through questioning you will discover the things that seemed unchangeable are actually flexible and can be manipulated.
PROPER NUTRITION is the cornerstone of good health. Health and longevity depend on our daily nourishment. In 1988, the Surgeon General stated that two-thirds of the deaths in this country are related to diet. Our eating habits play a major role in many common diseases and emotional disorders.
Most Americans have a limited awareness of the power of food in maintaining health and reversing disease. The most effective diet includes whole grains, vegetables, low fat, no cholesterol, proteins and fruits.
LETTING GO OF THE PAST. Resolving conflicts and discovering their positive impact in our lives is paramount in healing. Resentment, anger, guilt and all negative emotional states are self-poisoning. They weaken cells and immunity and can be the reason for illness. Let it go and move on.
FAITH and the developing of sound judgments are important qualities in healing. Faith is knowing there is an order and unity to life, a sense of wholeness and connectedness with something larger than oneself. With faith, unlimited opportunities unfold, and we gain a sense of confidence in our choices.
FINDING YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE is prevalent among those who are healthy. Everyone has talents and skills through which they express themselves, and so do you! If you do not find your unique creative expression, you will be restless and frustrated, regardless of the success in the conventional world.
Purpose stimulates a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. With purpose, your life will take on much more meaning. I did not have a purpose for many years. The second I knew where I was going my life took a turn for the best. If you do not have purpose yet, do not worry! Focus on what makes you the happiest and visualize where and what you want to be. By working toward a goal and a purpose, you will feel alive and ready for anything.
Each of the above factors has a profoundly positive influence on your health and are more effective when bring them together. When utilized, you can go beyond sickness to health and happiness. Start with small steps and build upon them for a holistic approach to your health. Action is the only thing preventing you from achieving optimal health.
About The Author
Colleen Palat is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves to pass on the latest information on health and wellness. Sign up for your free e-newsletter filled with cutting-edge information on health, nutrition, weight loss, and fitness.
Do we really need to take vitamin supplements to stay healthy? Or can we get enough of the nutrient I need just by eating a balanced diet?
Well, my friend, it isn’t easy. You can ask anyone who hates eating their green leafy vegetables and who balks at the though of eating broccoli for dinner.
Vitamins, multivitamins and supplements have been proven to provide a vast range of health benefits for your entire body.
A 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study supports this claim. This conference, composed of experts from top research universities, experts from government agencies, and health advocacy organizations came to the conclusion that most Americans do not get the optimal level of important nutrients though diet alone. They recommended that multivitamins can well compensate for any gaps so that the necessary amount of nutrients needed by the body are met.
Not only are vitamins an accessible and affordable way to meet dietary requirements, they also provide other cost benefits.
A study entitled “Multi-Vitamins and Public Health” illustrated this. The results of the study indicated that in older adults, a daily regimen of taking vitamin supplements could provide more than $1.6 million in Medicare savings over the next five years. In addition, there are possible savings because of lesser hospitalizations for cancer, infection and heart attack.
Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Anti-oxidants and Herbs
In this day and age, we are faced with pressures brought about by the modern world, in addition to the presence of free radicals. These put our bodies under so much pressure.
Vitamins can help as they ensure that we are ready to face the world and the pressures it brings. There is a wide variety of vitamins and antioxidants that can combat sickness and infection. Vitamin C ensures overall health and immunity. Vitamin E also enhances overall bodily health as well as cardiovascular and immune functions.
Essential Minerals include calcium (for muscle and bone health), magnesium (for healthy nerves and heart) and zinc (which boosts immune functions, cardiovascular, prostate and eye health).
Antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, selenium and many others serve to defend our bodies from free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 helps in the producing cellular energy as well as ensuring heart and liver health. Selenium shows promise in reducing certain degenerative diseases such as cancer. It also promotes immune functioning. There are so many more that offer amazing health benefits.
Add to this list herbs that possess medicinal qualities. These should also be included in your armada to fight against sickness and free radicals. Chief among the herbs is garlic, which provides cardiovascular, cholesterol and blood pressure support. Ginseng on the other hand, gives energy and enhances endurance. Gingko biloba show promise in enhancing brain and memory function as well as providing support in the circulation of blood to extremities and the brain.
Indeed, there is supplement for almost any health concern.
About The Author
Linda Polansky writes about, and
Media blitzes around male sexual dysfunction drugs such as Viagra have focused attention on a problem that is by no means limited to older men. In fact, women seem more likely to have sexual complaints during their young adult and middle-aged years.
Experts agree that while menÕs sexual dysfunction is often physical in nature, womenÕs sexual function issues tend to be more complicated. Men who understand the differences and work with their mates toward a positive resolution are a big part of the solution, according to Jeffrey Albaugh, an advanced practice urology clinical nurse specialist at Northwestern Memorial HospitalÕs Wellness Institute in Chicago.
Many women suffer
A landmark study on sexual dysfunction prevalence that was published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) in 1999, reported that 43 percent of women ages 18 to 59 experience some kind of sexual complaint Ñ often referred to as sexual dysfunction.
Lead author Edward Laumann, Ph.D., the George Herbert Mead Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago says: ÒThirty-two percent of women in the sample reported that they lacked interest in sex for at least several months in the past year.Ó
That percentage, he adds, is similar worldwide among women in that age group. In general, women tend to report higher dissatisfaction and dysfunction than men.
About 25 percent of the women surveyed reported being unable to achieve orgasm, 15 percent said experienced pain during sex, 20 percent said sex is not pleasurable, 20 percent had trouble self-lubricating (a problem that worsens with age, according to Laumann), and about 11 percent said they are anxious about performance.
Sexual dysfunction defined
There are four different categories of female sexual dysfunction: desire disorder, sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorder and sexual pain disorder.
While hormonal problems might be to blame in some cases, the causes for female sexual dysfunction range from psychological to physiological. Medications, diseases (especially heart disease), surgery, hormones, lifestyle and even pelvic floor muscle problems can come into play.
Unlike their male counterparts, females have no specific Food and Drug Administration-approved medications available for sexual dysfunction. There is a clitoral pump device called the Eros, and there are creams and herbals designed to increase blood flow and sensation. Physical therapists are among the health practitioners who can help women regain pelvic floor function and a more satisfying sex life. Still, researchers are looking for the magic bullet that helps to restore desire and more.
Susan Kellogg, Ph.D., a certified registered nurse practitioner and director of sexual medicine at the Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute of Philadelphia, says the complexity of womenÕs sexuality is vast and each womanÕs case is individual.
ÒIt has to do with the vascular, nervous and muscular system of the genitals and pelvic floor, but it also has so much to do with the context in which a woman makes love and feels [while making love],Ó Kellogg says.
Talk to your mate about the problem
Men should encourage their female partners to seek medical care because some sexual problems in women are linked to heart disease, high blood pressure and other health issues. Still, treatments for sexual dysfunction can only go so far. Often couples need to repair emotional damage that can snowball when one partner has a sexual dysfunction. The bottom line: They need to talk.
Men whose partners have a sexual dysfunction should realize that they are not the only ones who feel like theyÕre losing out sexually. Women who arenÕt performing as they would like to also might be missing sexual intimacy, grieving or feeling frustrated, sad, guilty or incomplete, says Chris Fariello, Ph.D., a licensed marital and family therapist and director of the Institute for Sex Therapy at the Council for Relationships in Philadelphia.
This is not the time for blame or belittling, Albaugh says. Men who approach their female partners should convey empathy and caring. ÒYou love this person. ThatÕs the first and foremost thing to convey. Because you love [her], thatÕs why youÕre striving for intimacy Ñ which is communication at the deepest level,Ó he adds.
Think out of the box and be willing to learn
Part of replenishing a healthy sex life with your partner is understanding the female sexual response cycle and how a womanÕs cycle is different from that of many men. ÒThe female sexual response cycle starts with emotional engagement. For men, it can be more of a physiologic thing,Ó Albaugh says.
Men might think that penis size and duration of penetration are what matters, when in fact most women derive their orgasms from clitoral stimulation, and the penis does not stimulate the clitoris, he says. While vaginal orgasm can occur and the feeling of the penis in the vagina may be pleasurable, the duration of sexual relations and the size of the penis arenÕt necessarily what make men better lovers.
Intimacy and sexuality are ever-evolving and always need attention, Fariello says. ÒWhen we first get into a relationship itÕs just about, kissing, groping, hugging, touching Ñ all these wonderful things. [Later on], that repertoire tends to become more limited. It comes down to kissing, touching and maybe intercourse and, then eventually, maybe penetration and orgasm and thatÕs it,Ó he adds.
ÒFor many couples, itÕs going back and relearning intimacy and how to enjoy each other in many ways Ñ many of them sexual.Ó
Fariello recommends that couples move away from a goal-focused model of intimacy and toward a pleasure-focused model. ÒIn the pleasure-focused model, it doesnÕt matter if the penis works or if a vagina can be penetrated. There are many other ways of creating pleasure in a relationship,Ó he says .
Author: Lisette Hilton []
Acne Vulgaris, the 8 Stages of Acne, Skin Care, Adult Acne, and Scar Removal Options.
Diposting oleh admin | 03.41 | Skin Care | 0 komentar »What is Acne Vulgaris? This is a medical term used to describe most cases of acne. It really isn't as bad as it sounds! Vulgaris doesn't mean that the acne is vulgar, only that it means that it is common.
Be aware that there are many factors that contribute to acne. First, research indicates a propensity for acne may well be inherited. Parents who had acne in their teenage and young adult years may have children who are likewise prone to having acne in their teen and young adult years.
Next, clogged skin pores are certainly a major contributing factor for acne out-breaks. When pores become clogged with an excess production of sebum and mix with dead skin cells or makeup that isn't sufficiently cleaned from the skin, problems start to develop. When skin pores are clogged, bacteria are produced and pus starts to form causing a pimple, a white head or a black head.
The most commonly accepted causes for acne are hormonal imbalances. Hormones in boys and girls may become unbalanced during puberty, during menstrual cycles, when starting or stopping birth control pills, during times of extreme stress, and at other times as well.
All of the above situations can cause the body to over produce a male hormone which causes the sebaceous glands to produce sebum. The sebum combines with dead skin cells to block pores and acne develops. So, basically, it still comes back to blocked pores.
Other causes for acne include a lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that the body needs to maintain a healthy skin. Vitamins A, E and B6 are especially important in maintaining healthy skin as are zinc, essential fatty acids (EFA), Chromium and Selenium.
Most diets of teenagers and young adults do not contain these vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in sufficient quantity to maintain healthy skin and to help prevent the onset of Acne.
Acne: The 8 Stages:
Full blown, Stage 8 acne doesn't usually develop overnight. Acne is progressive condition. Acne is one of the diseases that are so common that it is sometimes just disregarded as a serious the common cold. It has been estimated that 95 of people will have at least a mild case of acne at some point in their lives.
Acne, much like the common cold, is usually treated by the sufferer with over-the-counter medications that alleviate the symptoms of the disease in the belief that it will simply go away all by itself....eventually. And, it usually does but not always.
Most people throughout their life will have the occasional pimple, zit, white head or black head.
Although these pesky little outbreaks do seem to appear at the most inopportune times, they really aren't a serious problem that requires medical attention. A little over-the-counter acne facial wash to help prevent another outbreak will usually take care of the problem. It isn't a big deal. This kind of acne is referred to as Stage 0 and really nothing to be concerned about unless the acne progresses to subsequent stages.
Acne stages are graded from 0 through 8. Zero is the least severe and 8 is the most serious of the stages. The stages are as follows:
Stage 1: There will be white heads and black heads with some mild inflammation. The outbreaks will start to occur more frequently. Using products that contain Benzyl Peroxide are in order.
Stage 2: There will be some papules in addition to the white heads and black heads. Papules are skin lesions that are solid and raised but usually small. This is still considered to be a very mild case of acne. Treatment can be continued using over-the-counter products that contain Salicylic Acid.
Stage 3: Stage 3 is the same as stage 2 but with more frequent occurrences.
Stage 4-5: Pustules begin to appear. Now, it's time to schedule an appointment at a dermatologist.
Stage 6-7: Nodules and cysts are forming. Scarring is going to start happening at this stage. Your dermatologist will begin to take more drastic action.
Stage 8: Breakouts are almost continuous and include nodules and cysts. There are modern technologies that will help and your dermatologist will advise you.
Acne Skin Care:
As we know, our hair follicles secrete sebum. Sebum makes its way up the hair follicles to the skin pores where it lubricates and protects the skin. Sometimes there are oil glands which get overworked, get enlarge, and produce too much sebum. The sebum can get trapped in the hair follicle.
When this happens the pores get clogged and black heads or white heads form and the bacteria start to multiply at an alarmingly fast rate.
Once you understand this process, you can see the reasoning behind the advice about caring for skin that has black heads, white heads and pustules on it.
The first piece of advice about caring for acne infected skin is to never pick at the pimples. Don't try to pop them and drain them. This will not cure them no matter what anybody tells you. Popping them will only serve to make them worse...not better.
However, there are things that you can do that really will help.
The first thing you can do is to wash your face with a mild soap or a sulfur based soap. Wash your face with just your finger tips. Don't ever use a wash cloth as it holds germs and bacteria. Rinse your face with clean water several times to ensure you remove all traces of soap, and then pat it dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your face with the towel and never use the same towel twice without it being clean.
Take a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement every day and drink at least 8 full glasses of water (not soda) every day. The vitamins and minerals will supply nutrients that are absent from most diets and the water will help to hydrate the skin as well as to flush toxins out of your system.
If you use over-the-counter acne medications, be certain that you follow the directions carefully and that you use a good sunscreen when you are outdoors as some acne medications make the skin more prone to sunburn.
Adult Acne:
Acne is not just a problem for teenagers and young adults. Once a person survives the teenage years, you would think that they don't have to deal with the embarrassment of acne any longer, right? Well....not exactly.
The sad truth is that about 25 of women will have acne at some time in their 20s, 30s or even 40s. Although there has never been a real cause established, it is believed that most adult acne is caused by the same thing that causes teenage acne...hormonal changes.
A doctor will sometimes prescribe hormonal treatments that will clear a case of adult acne right up. As with teenage acne, adult acne is not caused by diet. Stress has often been cited as one possible cause of adult acne but that assertion has never been verified.
Treating adult acne is a bit more difficult than treating teenage acne. Adults have the concern of drying out their skin that teenagers don't normally have to deal with. Adults don't want pimples; but, they don't want wrinkles, either. A dermatologist should be consulted if the acne is long lasting or is severe.
There are many treatments that are available to adults who suffer from acne. Most of the effective treatments are only available by prescription. Adults should not use over-the-counter acne medications that are intended for the treatment of teenage acne. These products tend to dry the skin and adults need to be concerned about wrinkling as well as acne.
A case of adult acne is not a happy occurrence to say because those ugly bumps always seem to occur at the most inopportune times and while a teenager may be embarrassed by acne, an adult is even more devastated.
Fortunately, there are treatments and a dermatologist has a lot of weapons in his arsenal to fight adult acne.
Acne Scar Removal Options:
Life hardly seems fair sometimes! First, a teenager or a young adult must suffer through acne, treat it, and have to live with it...sometimes for years. Then the acne is gone; but, the scars are there as a painful reminder of the mental and emotional agony the acne sufferer had to endure.
You're right, life doesn't seem fair; but, acne is one of those sad facts of life that some if not most of us have to deal with. The good news is there is help; unfortunately, it isn't free or cheap!
There are two basic procedures that are used to remove ugly pits and scars left over from a bad case of teenage or young adult acne. Laser resurfacing is the least expensive of the two available acne scar removal procedures. Dermabrasion is the second procedure.
Laser resurfacing can be done in the dermatologist office instead of a hospital so that provides a much greater financial savings. A laser is used to remove the top layer of skin and also to tighten the middle layer of skin.
The dermatologist will use a local anesthetic to help reduce the procedure pain. It usually takes several days for the skin to heal after a laser resurfacing procedure is completed. Very often, multiple resurfacing treatments must be done to achieve the desired results.
The second procedure used to remove acne scarring is called dermabrasion. In this procedure, a rotating wire brush is used to remove the top layer of skin. The body continually produces new skin and the new layer will be smoother than the layer that was removed. It usually takes between 10 days and 3 weeks for the skin to heal after a dermabrasion treatment. Once again, multiple treatments may be required to eliminate the scarring.
Acne may seem to be a devastating condition but with proper skin routine, vitamins, and over the counter products, most cases will not be severe. Remember, proper cleansing goes a long way towards minimizing outbreaks, so don't be afraid to cleanse your face 5 - 6 times a day of more if needed.
Fight acne by being smart. Take as many preventative steps as possible to avoid situations that create the opportunity for acne to develop. If acne does afflict you, consult a qualified medical professional before deciding on a course of action.
By: Stephen M. Seabrook, MBA
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The conspicuously lower death rate for breast cancer in Asia, Africa and Latin America appears to be partially accounted for by early childbearing ini the parts of world. It is known that the risk of developing cancer is very low for women who have their first child before they are 20. The risk increases significantly among those who have their first child after 30. Figures of breast cancer incidence are also lower among women who nurse their own babies.
Recent studies indicate a relatinship between the use of estrogen – either as hormone replacement therapy or as an ingredient of contraceptive pills – and the likelihood of breast cancer, especially where there is a family history of the disease. Ongoing research has also established some connection between high-fat diets and the development of various cancer, including those in the breast.
Braest Cancer, male, a rare condition breast cancer because of the small amount of mammary galand tissue in the male breast. In a series of 146 reported cases, the average age when the growth was discovered was 52 and the disease occurred predominantly in while Jewish men. In 90 percent of the cases, the because of the small amount of fatty tissue in the man breast. Nipple changes occurred in 51 percent of cases and there was a bloody discharge from the nipple in 16 persent.
The outlook for a man with breast cancer is worse than for a woman. The same radical operation as for the female should be performed. Castration has proved of some value but the administration of hormones is detrimental and x-ray treatments appear to aggravate the malignancy.
Alcoholism is a cronic or periodic condition caused by the compulsive drinking of beverages. It is an insidious and progressive disease which, in its acute phase, can lead to irreversible damage of body tissue and eventual death.
The generally accepted definition of an alcoholic is: any person of no matter what age or sex whose compulsive drinking leads to an unability to hold a job or go to school, to maintain normal human relationships, and / or to take a responsible role in the community. Alcoholism is the most costly, the most wide spread and the most acute drug problem in the United State, claiming millions of victims and underlying a significant number of fatalities in automobile accidents.
Alcoholomania, a maniacal craving for intoxication by alcoholic beverages. In most cases, alcoholism is a condition of habituation; but sometimes it is addictive, like heroin. The victim will lie, rob, or steal, if necessary, to get his bottle of liquor at any cost. Maniacal symptoms may develop: excitement, elation, garrulousness, flight of ideas, and increased motor activity sometimes requiring restraint.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes. Medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences. Alcoholism, also referred to as dipsomania[1] in the 19th and early 20th centuries, may also refer to a preoccupation with or compulsion toward the consumption of alcohol and/or an impaired ability to recognize the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Although not all of these definitions specify current and on-going use of alcohol as a qualifier, some do, as well as remarking on the long-term effects of consistent, heavy alcohol use, including dependence and symptoms of withdrawal.
While the ingestion of alcohol is, by definition, necessary to develop alcoholism, the use of alcohol does not predict the development of alcoholism. The quantity, frequency and regularity of alcohol consumption required to develop alcoholism varies greatly from person to person. In addition, although the biological mechanisms underpinning alcoholism are uncertain, some risk factors, including social environment, emotional health and genetic predisposition, have been identified.
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Sexual activity is nature's secret fountain of youth! Sex raises the level of life-extending substances - such as endorphins, DHEA, and growth hormone - while lowering the stress hormones that shorten your life span.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are missing out on these health benefits of sex. Take a look at your libido and find out how to live long and last long.
Nature's Viagra for Men
Even before 50 years of age, hormone levels begin to decline in men, often resulting in a lower sex drive and interfering with the ability to perform.
Also, by this age, most men have developed plaque buildup in the circulatory system that decreases blood flow to the penis. These factors contribute to erectile dysfunction (E.D.), for many men the most disturbing aspect of aging.
Chinese medicine has had a long, successful history of reversing the decline in male sexual potency. My father, a celebrated doctor of Chinese medicine, created an herbal remedy for low libido called "Dragon Male Formula," which can be found in some select Whole Food stores or online at
The formula, used to promote healthy functions of the testicles, circulation, and hormonal system, is made up of deer antler velvet, ginseng root, morinda root, Chinese Senega root, and horny goat weed - effective for both male and female sexual potency.
Additionally, for most men, physical fitness and activity can increase their testosterone levels and build confidence. Reduce stress, get enough sleep, and eat a diet rich in zinc, which is found in beans and legumes, Brazil nuts, brown rice, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and the richest source of it all - oyster.
Long Live the Female Libido
Women, as aging sets in, begin to experience a prominent drop in sex drive. This is largely due to a decline in the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Other factors that diminish female desire include childbirth, the onset of menopause, stress, depression, relationship conflicts, fatigue, poor self-image, and inability to reach orgasm.
To preserve and enhance the hormonal aspect of libido, I often recommend an herbal formula to my patients, called "Feminine Desire," that combines horny goat weed with the herbs dong quai, wild yam, ginseng, and the spices anise, ginger, and turmeric.
This formula promotes healthy endocrine system function, as well as stirring up vitality, energy, and natural desires. Other essential elements to restoring the libido for women are getting in touch with emotions, connected with their partner, and feeling desirable. This formula is also available in select Whole Foods stores or online at
Libido Enhancement
1. Eat for your libido! Warming and pungent, these foods can help motivate the body's fire energy: garlic, onion, scallion, leek, chives, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, anise, turmeric, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and horseradish.
Deep sea and cold water fish, including halibut, salmon, sardines, and shellfish can increase libido by improving overall sexual health with their high concentrations of essential omega fatty acids.
2. Desire-enhancing remedy: Make chicken broth by boiling chicken stock with turmeric, cayenne pepper, onion, leek, chive, and ginger. Eat at least one bowl daily.
3. Rekindle with romance. In today's fast-paced world, most people have abandoned the romantic evening meals. Treat your partner to a sensual candle-lit dinner with a little wine to warm up the yang energy. (But drink moderately because too much will cause temporary impotence.) Romance can have a powerful effect on a person's emotions and can instantly arouse sexual desires.
4. Let's get physical! Physical activity has been clinically proven to improve sexual health - 30 minutes of daily walking, jogging, and other cardio exercise can be combined with tai chi or qigong for good results. Kegel exercises can help strengthen the lower pelvic muscles and help prevent prostate problems in men and incontinence in women.
I hope you find the ways to rekindle the flame! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.
May you live long, live strong, and live happy!
by: Holly Rigsby
The only thing growing faster than the $65 billion diet industry is the American waistline. If one of your New Years resolutions was to Go on a Diet, the only place I guarantee you will up in weight.
It's a Fact - Diets will only make you fatter.
When it comes to the latest in Diet fads, we are quite gullible and easily tempted by a Diet's empty promised. Reason being....the diet industry KNOWS we are in search of the "quick fix" and will only play with our emotions - our desperation for the quickest way to relieve looking and feeling fat.
Diets are nothing more than Temporary Solutions with many lingering, negative side effects.
Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why you should NOT "go" on a Diet
1. Diets do NOT work.
Diets have a 99% Failure Rate. Have you noticed a pattern yet? Lose weight....quickly regain it? Over time, studies show if you diet you are more likely to be overweight than people who eat normally and make small gradual changes to their lifestyle. No, the Law of Averages does not apply to this faulty system.
2. Dieting can be Dangerous.
Any time you severely restrict the amount or types of foods you eat you put your health and life at risk. Dieting has been related to injuries and sudden deaths from electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition, and heart arrhythmia's. Weight cycling, or yo-yo-ing weight, is associated with higher death rates - especially if some type of pills are being used. At no point should you ever place weight loss above your health.
3. Dieting Destroys your Metabolism.
Diets will cause your weight to quickly cycle up and down. Sure, you may lose weight quickly because you are simply not eating enough. In the initial stages, the first seven to nine pounds lost are water, presenting a real danger of dehydration and mineral deficiencies. Even more terrifying ins the break down of lean muscle due to inefficient nutrients and calories. If you are losing more than 3-4 pounds a week, you can be sure this is what is happening - very little fat is lost this state.
Now, any muscle loss will cause your metabolism slow to a crawl. The cumulative effect takes place for you cannot survive very long on very low calories (1200 or less) and you will eventually eat more - on top of a slower metabolism. All those excess calories will be stored as fat - causing rapid weight gain.
4. Dieting is Exhausting.
Diets are just reduced calorie Fads disguised by a clever gimmick. "Lose weight while you sleep" "Eat all you want and still lose weight" Not eating enough or cutting out certain food groups means your body may not be getting the energy it needs, or may lack certain nutrients. You will feel exhausted, light headed and experience some not-so-fun mood swings.
5. Dieting is Disruptive.
Dieting negatively affects your normal eating patterns. Diets can lead to binge eating, overeating and chaotic eating. When you diet, it is common to override your internal signals telling you to eat. You end up trying to use willpower or resist hunger signals and may even go as far as taking appetite suppressants. This results in being unable to know when you really are hungry or wore....when you're full.
6. Dieting can lead to eating disorders.
Experts state that the high rates of eating disorders in the U.S. are due in part to people dieting, losing weight, rebounding, and becoming chronic dieters.
7. Dieting Causes Food Obsessions.
If you spend a large amount of time and energy depriving yourself of food or certain types of food - you will spend more time thinking about food and become obsessed attempts to control your weight by what you choose to eat or not eat. How long do you want to live like this?
8. Dieting Diminishes Women.
There is way too much attention focused on our appearance and an arbitrary number on the scale. In the midst of this focus - we end up avoiding what really matters to us - our dreams and ambitions. Even worse, it erodes our confidence and self-respect.
9. Dieting Intensifies Negativity.
If you diet, you are more judgmental and critical of yourself and others. Once again, wasted time and energy.
10. Diets Put Your Life on Hold.
Does this sound familiar...."I'll be happy when I weigh "x pounds." Guess what, the issues in your life are not related to your weight. Take responsibility and take back control of your life. Decide to be happy now and do what it takes to live a lifestyle that reflects your priorities.
So this year resolve to NOT go on a Diet. Set Yourself Free from this miserable, guaranteed to fail weight loss cycle. Do NOT let the diet industry make money by taking advantage of you. It is time to stand up for yourself and take control.
And while you'd think singles would be the ones spending more time with their hands below their belts, studies show that people who are married or live with a partner play with themselves more often than those on the dating circuit. Frequent self-pleasuring has also been linked with high self-esteem, better body image, and a more active sex life. Which is why so many sex therapists encourage clients who are unhappy in the sack to start getting it on alone.
"There's a strong correlation between willingness to explore your own body and bring yourself to orgasm and being willing to explore with your partner and have orgasms together," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a New York sex therapist and the author of Sex Detox. "Women who masturbate are usually more comfortable with their bodies and with sex in general."
Any kind of autoerotic activity is better than none, but the payoff for adventurous masturbation is much bigger than a mindless nub rub. "Masturbation is the single best way to discover new and more profound turn-ons that you can later put into play with your partner," says Berman Center founder, sex therapist, and WH advisor Laura Berman, Ph.D. So with the help of top experts, we've outlined a guide to advanced masturbation that could be the best thing to happen to your love life since your college boyfriend finally found your clitoris.
Screw with Your Head
Whether it's imagining Eric Bana licking his way up your thighs or pretending you've been kidnapped by a sex-starved Swedish masseur, finding fantasies that light your fire is key to boosting desire and upping your odds of reaching orgasm alone and in company. "To tune in to a sexual experience, you have to first turn off the parts of your brain associated with stress and anxiety," Kerner says. "And fantasizing is the most effective way to accomplish that." The logic is simple: You can't worry about work, money, or unfolded laundry when your frontal lobe is focused on a reenactment of the train scene in Risky Business.
Have doubts about the power of fantasy? Consider this: Back in 1992, Beverly Whipple, Ph.D., co-author of The Science of Orgasm, along with her colleagues Gena Ogden, Ph.D., and Barry Komisaruk, Ph.D., monitored the blood pressure, heart rate, pupil diameter, and pain tolerance of 10 women who claimed they could think their way to climax. As the subjects fantasized in a lab, seven exhibited the exact physical responses caused by hands-on stimulation. How's that for a beautiful mind?
On your own, you have all the time in the world to browse through your mental files--reviewing past sexual experiences, erotic movie scenes, fantastical scenarios, or random images that flip your switch. Don't be afraid to go wherever your mind takes you, even if it's to the dark side. "Scenarios involving bondage and domination are totally normal," says sex educator Jamye Waxman, the author of Getting Off: A Woman's Guide to Masturbation. In a study of 178 volunteers at the University of Vermont, 71 percent said they'd had kinky or taboo fantasies. (The rest probably just lacked imagination.)
Once you've freed your dirty mind, use it to your advantage before and during sex. That means scrapping any guilt you feel about thinking of something other than what and whom you're doing at the moment. "Many people feel bad about fantasizing while with their partner," Kerner says. "But fantasy is a tool you can and should use to become completely immersed in your sexual experience." When you're struggling to feel sexy, close your eyes and recall thoughts that made you hot when no one else was around. Try to devote 100 percent of your attention to every detail of that titillating image. By doing so, you'll shift gears and speed your transition from stress case to horny vixen. During sex, naughty thoughts can help you nix distractions. "Female clients complain about 'losing an orgasm' due to a shift in their body or a shift in their thinking," Kerner says. "When you feel that heightened state of arousal slipping away, fantasizing can bring your thoughts back to sex and help nudge you over the edge."
Change Is Good
We're all for going with what works, but if, like 70 percent of the women in a 1983 study at the University of Southern California, you jill off the same way every time, a few tweaks are in order. "By masturbating using a single method, you could be training yourself to be more responsive to one kind of touch," says sex therapist Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., founder of While that has its benefits-you know that if you rub right there for long enough, your bell will eventually ring--it also has its drawbacks. "Women often feel frustrated because they can orgasm in only a single sex position, usually the female-dominant position, aka cowgirl," Kerner says. "This is usually because the pressure and friction of rubbing their clitoris against their partner's abdomen mimics the most common method of clitoral self-stimulation." Familiarizing yourself with a wider range of feel-good sensations will help turn your bedroom into the playroom that it should be. How do you warm up to new moves? Tweak your routine.
Like Angelina Jolie at a UN conference, the clitoris is practically crying out for attention, but that doesn't mean you should ignore your other bits. Though not as sensitive as that centrally located hot button, the vagina is packed with several layers of nerves that can produce unexpected sweet spots. In a Colombian study of 48 women, 94 percent reported feeling "vaginal erotic sensitivity," especially in the upper front wall of the vagina, where the G-spot is located. And in a 2000 study of 138 women published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, 35 percent said that their partners' penis making cervical contact contributed to their orgasm. "Stimulation of the clitoris may be the most popular way to experience orgasm, but there's more than one pathway to sexual response," Whipple says. "Exploring your own body inside and out is the best way to discover your full orgasm potential."
You can use your fingers to apply different levels and types of pressure to the walls of your vajayjay--and sex therapists recommend doing so at least once to get a clear idea of your anatomy--but all that wrist twisting could lead to serious carpal tunnel. Reaching your cervix by hand is equally tricky (the best way is to squat, which causes the cervix to push closer to the vaginal opening--but who feels foxy squatting?). Luckily, vibrators can save the day: "I literally write prescriptions for specific types of vibrators," says Berman, who has designed her own line of made-for-women sex tools. She recommends short, curved vibrators for stimulating the G-spot, and long, thin vibrators for zeroing in on areas deep in the vagina. Also handy is a vibrator about the shape and size of your partner's penis, which you can use to discover which angles and thrusting styles will hit your hot spots during doubles. (Check out a list of WH-approved vibrators.)
"It's not that this kind of exploring isn't possible with a partner," Berman says. "But if you're trying to figure out the mechanics of what feels good during sex, it would require patience, muscle control, communication, and staying power on his end." When you have the bed to yourself, you can make endless tiny adjustments--move the vibrator slightly to the left, increase pressure, wiggle it back and forth--without having to direct him like a drill sergeant or worry about pulling his trigger prematurely.
Being able to orgasm during intercourse is a feat in itself (only 30 percent of women are able to reach their peak through penetration alone), but if you're tired of being able to come only when you're on top, make a habit of masturbating while assuming a variety of positions--lying on your back or on your stomach, kneeling upright on the bed, bent over on hands and knees. "This a very helpful exercise," Fulbright says. "You're gathering information about the kind of stimulation you need in each position to achieve orgasm, whether you're stimulating your clitoris or your vagina, no matter if it's with a vibrator, your hands, or some other object, like a pillow." But don't give up just because something doesn't feel amazing right off the bat. "It may take time for your mind and body to respond to new positions and sensations," Fulbright says. "Be willing to go slowly and try something several times." One strategy that works well is to bring yourself to the brink of orgasm using a tried-and-true method, then stop just before you blow. "Quickly switch to a new position in which you've never had an orgasm, then start touching yourself again," suggests sex educator Dorian Solot, co-author of I Love Female Orgasm. "Because you're already fully aroused, finishing in a new way will be much easier."
That all may be a given, but don't forget to love up the rest of your body. Every inch of skin, from your head to your toes, is a potential source of pleasure--you never know which combination of touches will take you to your happy place. And "no one is watching or judging you, so there's no reason to hold back," Kerner says. Suck on your fingers, pull on your labia, gently slap your pubic mound, tickle the inside of your thighs, grab onto a cheek or two… Nothing is off-limits.
Once you've taken masturbation to the next level, you may decide to tell your significant other all about it, and maybe even demonstrate while he watches (which he'd no doubt love--63 percent of vibrator users in the Berman survey said their partners were fully supportive). Too shy? Don't sweat it. "It's great if you're that open with your partner, but many people prefer to keep masturbation private," Kerner says. "As long as you feel good about it, staying mum is perfectly healthy." Whether you blab or not, you'll still be busting into the bedroom with your newly sensitized body, whose dips, curves, and crevices you're more aware of and comfortable with than ever. You'll also have a hell of a lot more confidence in your ability to feel frisky at a moment's notice and have an orgasm when and how you want one. Last time we checked, that's the stuff masterful sex is made of. (By Nicole Beland)
- Open the individual packet carefully tear (NOT with your teeth) the foil along one short side and the condom will slip out.
- Put the condom on BEFORE there is ANY CONTACT between the vaginal or anal area. A good idea is to have opened the packet just before you start making love and leave it within easy reach so that you don't need to fumble with the packaging at the crucial moment.
- Place the rolled condom on the end of the erect penis, making sure it's the right way up, and squeeze the "nipple" end to expel any air trapped inside. Use your other hand to gently unroll the condom down the whole penis.
After intercourse, the penis should be withdrawn before it goes soft, holding the condom firmly at the base to prevent any fluid leaking - Tie a knot in the end of the condom, wrap it in tissue and put it in a dustbin, not down the toilet.
- Use a condom after each withdrawal which is why a supply of them is important.
Only use a condom with a British Kite mark or the new European CE mark which is a safety standard. There is a higher risk of breaking with condoms that have not reached the safety standard. Some novelty condoms such as "glow in the dark" ones are not suitable for sexual intercourse. Others are only advisable for oral sex e.g. "minty" which will cause vaginal abrasions if used for intercourse.
If you don't get on with one type of condom - try another - there are condoms for those who are allergic to the spermicide such as "Durex allergy" or "Jiffy Silhouette" Durex gold for example might suit a man who finds others too tight. Femidom is the name of the condom for women.
Condoms DO NOT provide 100% protection against PREGNANCY. They offer 85% - 98% against pregnancy depending on how they are used. Do seek medical advice about other forms of contraception and unless you know your partner's HIV status ALWAYS use a condom as well as other methods of contraception.
If you're married or thinking about getting married, at some point or another you've wondered what better sex in marriage would be like or how sex in marriage could be improved.
Keeping the sexual spark alive in a marriage or in a long-term relationship is easier said than done. However, couples who take time to cultivate and maintain healthy and satisfying sexual relations tend to be more connected with each other and do not suffer from depression, heart problems and other health maladies, experts say.
The daily routines of life — whether careers, children or financial responsibilities — challenge couples to keep alive that flame that initially brought them together. From a practical standpoint, there's less time for sex and intimacy as relationships develop and individual partners take on more responsibilities.
Furthermore, aging brings on a host of physical conditions that can affect life in the bedroom. These include sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular conditions, arthritis and rheumatism, and a host of other problems.
Whatever the reasons for brewing trouble in the bedroom — whether emotional or physical in nature — the good news is that many such problems are easily treated. Moreover, troubles in a couple's sexual relationship are often signs of other problems, and can serve as a warning sign for still bigger troubles ahead.
"A good sex life is an important part of an individual's overall health," says Mark Schoen, Ph.D., director of sex education for the Sinclair Intimacy Institute. "People who have a good sex life feel better [mentally and physically]."
"Sex can be a wonderful cementer or a terrible wedge" for relationships, says Dr. Linda Banner, Ph.D., a licensed sex therapist specializing in marriage and relationship counseling and a researcher associated with Stanford University Medical School.
Adults Have Sex 61 Times a Year
Adults, on average, have sex about 61 times per year, or slightly more than once a week, according to University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center. Marital status and age are key influences in sexual activity.
Sexual activity is 25 percent to 300 percent greater for married couples versus the non-married, depending on age. The 1998 University of Chicago report that compiled available sex research also concluded that intercourse is more frequent among couples in happier marriages.
When Paul found things getting steamy on a first date, he was excited -- and a little confused. He’d recently ended an eight-year relationship and, as he put it, “I worried I might not be up to date on the rules. It seemed a little fast, but I thought, ‘Maybe this is just what sex is like between adults nowadays.’”
While plenty of advice-givers are quick to prescribe universal rules and timetables for sexual engagement, the decision about when or if to sleep together can vary widely from person to person. And because of the subjective nature of this decision, having a conversation with yourself can help you identify what you’re looking for in a physical connection.
WebMD talked with Rob Fisher, a psychotherapist practicing in Mill Valley, Calif., about the benefits of having a sexual “self-conversation.”
Get real. “It’s important to get aligned with yourself,” says Fisher, and ask yourself what you want out of a sexual relationship. “What are my values? What kind of sex am I thinking of having?” A one-night stand can be just as valid as a deeper, longer-term sexual relationship, Fisher says, but problems can arise when sexual partners’ values are misaligned.
ID your limits. Getting on the same page, sexually, is easier if you know your own boundaries. Fisher says, “If you’re with somebody and they’re pressing you to have sex and it doesn’t feel right to you, that’s really important to pay attention to.”
He adds that boundaries can be especially important for individuals who’ve experienced sexual trauma and may “have a tendency to allow their boundaries to be violated again -- they are often used to that pattern.”
Before you start dating again, identify your limits and decide what you want out of a sexual relationship.
Track your MO. Examine your dating history and try to identify your own patterns, says Fisher. Are you always attracted to the same kind of person? The bad boy? The withdrawn girl? If you’re able to talk with yourself about behaviors you repeat -- and may want to avoid -- you can enter a new relationship with greater clarity and purpose.
Imagine the act. Try visualizing sex with a prospective partner before it happens. “Imagine the act outside of hot fantasy,” Fisher says. “Ask yourself, ‘What would it feel like to my heart and head? Let me check in with my boundaries. How comfortable do I feel with this person?’”
This kind of thought experiment may help you slow down and think more deeply about the implications of sex with a potential partner. “Once you get involved with someone sexually, the relationship gains momentum,” Fisher says. “People enter into relationships very unconsciously in general. Then they find themselves in a mess [later on]. Being a little more considerate about it would probably be helpful.”
Cookies and Diabetes
In this day and age of high tech I need to stop and wonder what is happening to the population of the U.S. it seems that a large number of its citizens are becoming ill with diabetes.
“According to the American Diabetes Association there are 20.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 7% of the population, who have diabetes. While an estimated 14.6 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 6.2 million people (or nearly one-third) are unaware that they have the disease. With so many people affected by diabetes, the American Diabetes Association has compiled diabetes statistics on the impact of the disease and its complications. Based on death certificate data, diabetes contributed to 224,092 deaths in 2002. Studies indicate that diabetes in generally under-reported on death certificates, particularly in the cases of older persons with multiples chronic conditions such as heart disease and hypertension. Because of this, the toll of diabetes is believed to be much higher than officially reported.”
I don’t believe that cookies and baked goods are the culprits for this terrible disease, back in the 50’s and 60’s our parents and grandparents baked cookies on a daily basis and we as children had eaten dozens of cookies almost on a daily basis, there were cookies and milk after school, cookies in your lunch bag, and a snack before bedtime of cookies, we had cookies of every shape and form that anyone can imagine.
During the Christmas and Easter Holidays I went to my grandparents home and usually upon arrival we were offered cookies and milk for the children and cookie and coffee for the adults, during this period in time people would swap cookie recipes like children would swap baseball cards. Now that we are in the 21st Century no one can say that because they are diabetic that they cannot eat cookies, with all the new sugar free and diabetic cookie recipes that you can find and all the diabetic cookies on the market no one should say I cannot eat cookies.
Coping with diabetes
Every day, in the United States, more than 2000 new cases of diabetes are diagnosed. Type II diabetes, the most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide, often shows few or even no symptoms!
After eating, food is broken down into what is known as glucose, a sugar carried by the blood to cells throughout the body. Using a hormone known as insulin, made in the pancreas, cells process glucose into energy.
Because cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly in the body of a person with type II diabetes, they have problems converting food into energy. Eventually, the pancreas cannot make enough insulin for the body's needs. The amount of glucose in the body increases, and the cells are starved of energy.
This starvation of the cells, paired with the high blood glucose level can damage nerves and blood vessels. This leads to complications such as kidney disease, nerve problems, blindness, and heart ailments.
There are a lot of factors that can help to attribute to diabetes cases - lifestyle, environment, heredity - and those who are at risk should be screened regularly to prevent diabetes. Those that are already diagnosed with diabetes should aim to keep their glucose level under control.
But how do you know if you have type II diabetes? After all, it has few symptoms, often no symptoms in some patients. However, if you notice an increased thirst or hunger, a change in weight, or blurred vision, getting tested for type II diabetes is necessary, as only your doctor will be able to help you find the treatment steps necessary to being able to manage your life with diabetes.
Simple changes such as eating right, managing your weight, and keeping your blood sugar level under control may be enough. However, you doctor may prescribe diabetes-regulating medications to assist you in controlling your type II diabetes.
Diabetes is a serious ailment with extreme consequences if it isn't treated properly. But if you follow your doctor's advice and maintain both your lifestyle and blood sugar levels, you can help to prevent the more serious consequences from occurring.
This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to treat, diagnose or prevent any ailment or disease. See your physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Often forgotten about, your reproductive health is just as important as other aspects of your health. Gaining a better understanding of your reproductive system can help you gain a clearer picture of just how sensitive your reproductive organs are. How it Works will explain how your hormones and organs come together to produce your monthly cycle. And if you think that your diet doesn't make much difference to your reproductive health, think again. Diet and the Reproductive System will explain just how the food you eat influences how your reproductive system works.
When your system is out of whack, not only can it affect your menstrual cycle, but it can also prevent you from getting pregnant. One way of making sure your system is in top shape is by getting regular pap smears. But what does it mean if you have an abnormal one? Read Abnormal Smear Test to find out. And if you have a retroverted uterus, don't worry. This is normal and is unlikely to interfere with your
While many women find it to be a bit of a pest, regular menstruation is actually a sign of positive reproductive health. However, different factors can throw your cycle off from time to time. Learn more about what can make your period late and if you've recently stopped taking the birth control pill, then check out No Pill, No Period to find out why your period may not return right away. Some women suffer from extremely painful periods, as is the case with dysmenorrhea. If you use tampons regularly, you'll want to make sure you know all about toxic shock syndrome. Of course, eventually your period will stop coming altogether. Whether you're looking forward to it or dreading it, menopause is a fact of life for all women. And if you're wondering whehter herbs are effective for treating menopause symptoms, read our article on herbs and menopause.
A woman's reproductive system can be affected by a variety of infections, such as yeast infections (or thrush) and bacterial vaginosis. While these can be unpleasant, they can be treated. Other infections include urinary tract infections (UTI) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). While treatment is available for both of these discomforts, PID can lead to scarring and even infertility as well as increase your risk of an ectopic pregnancy if not looked after quickly.
Cancer can also damage your reproductive health. Aside from cervical cancer, women may also have to deal with uterine cancer or ovarian cancer. Other reproductive issues that are not uncommon for a woman to have to contend with include ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic pain and fibroids. In some cases, it may be necessary to have a hysterectomy in order to get rid of the cancer for good.
However, your reproductive health isn't just centred around the pelvic region. Your breasts are also an important part of your reporductive system, allowing you to feed your children during their first few months or years. Developing breast cancer, though, can seriously impair your reproductive health, damaging your breasts and your fertility. Through breast cancer awareness and regular self-checks, you can keep your breasts healthy for a long time by ensuring early detection and treatment of breast cancer. There are various types of breast examinations that may be performed in order to detect the signs of breast cancer. Learn about some other conditions that are characterized by benign breast lumps.
Breast cancer research has attempted to address environmental factors that may be linked to the development of cancer. Read an article about recent studies that have attempted to address the possible link between breast cancer and anti-perspirant use. New genetic testing methods have also been developed that can help prevent breast cancer relapse.
Experiencing menopause or undergoing treatment such as a hysterectomy can result in changes to your reproductive system that can affect your sexual health. These changes can alter a woman's sexual life and affect feelings of desire as well as a woman's libido. Whether or not you have undergone these or other changes, you may want to read about recent studies attempting to solve female sexual dysfunction and issues surrounding women's sexual health.
Women who have undergone a mastectomy can sometimes find it difficult to adjust to having one or no breasts. However, reconstructive surgery can make it possible to have breasts again. If your health insurance does not cover this procedure, it is possible to find cosmetic surgeon clinics cosmetic surgeon clinics that are affordable.
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What is HIV?
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes the most serious sexually transmitted infection (STI) - acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV attacks the part of the body that defends against disease (the immune system).
There are usually no visible symptoms during the early years of infection so it is not possible to tell if your partner has HIV unless he or she has had an HIV blood test. Many people with HIV look healthy but can transmit the virus to others.
HIV can lead to death about 10 years after being infected but there are now good treatments available that can improve the quality of life of an infected person, so it is important that the disease is found and treated early.
How could I become infected with HIV?
You can become infected with HIV if the body fluids - blood, seminal fluid, semen, vaginal fluids or breastmilk - of an infected person get into your body. The most common way this happens is through unprotected sex, or penetrative sex without a condom. The sex can be vaginal, anal or oral. Using condoms helps keep your partner's body fluids out of your body and helps protect you from HIV.
HIV can also be passed on by sharing drug needles or syringes or by being exposed accidentally to blood or body fluids (for example in a hospital work environment).
Also, an HIV-infected mother can pass the infection to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth or breast-feeding.
How is HIV NOT transmitted?
HIV is a fragile virus that does not live long outside the body, and it is not spread through the air or food.
It is not passed on through sharing food, eating utensils or by drinking from the same cup or glass as someone who is infected. You can hug, kiss and touch someone with HIV and not worry about getting infected. You can also use a public toilet or telephone, share a towel with someone or swim in public swimming pools and not be concerned about being accidentally infected.
What's the connection between taking drugs and HIV?
Sometimes people share and pass needles around as part of the "drug experience", but this is an easy way to get infected with HIV.
The virus can be passed on by sharing injecting drug needles or kits, works, cookers, filters, or any other drug paraphernalia that comes into contact with blood. This is because blood will often come into the syringe through the needle after people stick their vein or pop their skin and inject the drug. If you share a needle or works and they haven't been cleaned, the blood left in them will be injected into you when you shoot up and this can infect you.
This doesn't only happen with drugs such as heroin, cocaine or speed. It could also be from sharing needles and works for shooting up steroids that are sometimes used by athletes and body builders to increase their muscle mass.
If you are shooting drugs and sharing works, even if you try this only once in a while, you are at significant risk for HIV and other viral or blood-borne infections, such as hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Hepatitis is a serious virus that affects your liver. The most common forms of the virus are hepatitis A, B and C. Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through sexual contact or through drug use.
What's the difference between HIV and AIDS?
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
HIV damages cells in the immune (defence) system that fight infection and disease. As the virus gradually destroys these important cells, the immune system becomes less and less able to protect against illness. Once that defence system is weakened, your body is vulnerable to specific kinds of infection, such as a specific type of pneumonia, certain cancers and eye infections. Your body can't fight off those infections and it is these, rather than the HIV virus itself that makes you ill or kills you.
HIV does not destroy the cells quickly, and people infected with HIV may not have any signs or symptoms for many years. They will look perfectly healthy and feel perfectly healthy and may not even know they are infected unless they have an HIV antibody test.
AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection.
Anemia (uh-NEE-me-eh) is a condition in which a person’s blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells (RBCs), or the RBCs don’t have enough hemoglobin (HEE-muh-glow-bin). Hemoglobin—an iron-rich protein that gives the red color to blood—carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. In people with anemia, the blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of the body. As a result, people with anemia feel tired, along with other symptoms, because their bodies are not receiving enough oxygen. In severe or prolonged cases of anemia, the lack of oxygen in the blood can cause serious and sometimes fatal damage to the heart and other organs of the body.
RBCs also are called erythrocytes (eh-RITH-ro-sites). RBCs are disc-shaped and look like doughnuts without a hole in the center. They are produced continually in the spongy marrow inside the large bones of the body and normally last 120 days. RBCs’ main role is to carry oxygen, but they also remove carbon dioxide (a waste product) from cells and carry it to the lungs to be exhaled. White blood cells and platelets are the two other kinds of blood cells. White blood cells help fight infections. Platelets help blood to clot. In some kinds of anemia, there are low amounts of all three types of blood cells.
There are three main causes of anemia: blood loss, lower than normal levels of red blood cell (RBC) production, or higher than normal rates of RBC destruction. More than one of these factors can combine to cause anemia.
The goal of treating anemia is to increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This is done by increasing the red blood cell (RBC) count and/or hemoglobin level in the RBCs as close as possible to normal levels. An additional goal is to treat the underlying condition or cause of the anemia.
The treatment your doctor prescribes will depend on the type, cause, and severity of the anemia you have. Treatment may include dietary supplements, changes in diet, medicines, and/or medical procedures such as blood transfusions or surgery.
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
Some types of anemia are caused by low levels of vitamins or iron in the body. Low levels of vitamins or iron can be due to poor diet or certain diseases and conditions. Treatment for vitamin or iron deficiency may include changing your diet or taking vitamin or iron supplements. The vitamin supplements most commonly taken are vitamin B12 and folate. Vitamin C is sometimes given to help the body absorb iron.
Your body needs iron to produce hemoglobin. Iron found in meats is more easily absorbed into your blood than the iron found in vegetables and other foods. To treat your anemia, your doctor may recommend eating more meat—especially red meat such as beef and liver—as well as chicken, turkey, pork, fish, and shellfish.
Sometimes iron is given in the form of mineral supplements. Usually these are combined with multivitamins and other minerals that help your body absorb iron. Some foods are fortified with extra iron (that is, iron is added to the foods). These foods include cereals, bread, and pasta. You can find out how much iron is in your food by reading the nutrition labels on food packaging. The amount is given as a percentage of the recommended daily requirement.
Other foods that are good sources of iron include:
- Spinach and other dark green, leafy vegetables
- Peanuts, peanut butter, and almonds
- Eggs
- Peas; lentils; and white, red, or baked beans
- Dried fruits, such as raisins, apricots, and peaches
- Prune juice
Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Good dietary sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits. Fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, and juices usually have more vitamin C than canned ones. Citrus fruits include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and similar fruit. If you are taking medicines, ask your doctor or pharmacist whether you can eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice. This citrus fruit affects the strength and effectiveness of a few medicines. Other fruits rich in vitamin C include kiwi fruit, mangos, apricots, strawberries, cantaloupes, and watermelons.
Vegetables rich in vitamin C include broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, and leafy green vegetables like romaine lettuce, turnip greens, and spinach.
Vitamin B12
Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to a type of anemia called pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia most often occurs because the body is unable to absorb vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia can often be treated with vitamin B12 supplements. Good food sources of vitamin B12 include breakfast cereals fortified with this vitamin. Animal products are particularly rich in vitamin B12. These items include meats (such as beef, liver, poultry, fish, and shellfish), eggs, and dairy products (such as milk, yogurt, and cheese).
Folate is a form of vitamin B that is found in foods. Your body needs folate to produce and maintain new cells. Folate is very important for pregnant women to help avoid anemia and ensure the healthy development of the fetus. Good sources of folic acid—in addition to bread, pasta, and rice fortified with a man-made version of folate—include:
- Spinach and other dark green, leafy vegetables (folate comes from the Latin work meaning “leaf”)
- Black-eyed peas or dried beans
- Beef liver
- Eggs
- Bananas, oranges, orange juice, and some other fruits and juices
In addition to iron and vitamins, your doctor may prescribe other medicines to treat the underlying causes of anemia or to increase the production of RBCs. Some of these medicines include:
- Antibiotics to treat infections.
- Hormone treatment for adult and teenaged women who have heavy menstrual bleeding.
- Epoetin—a man-made version of erythropoietin, a hormone made by the kidneys that stimulates increased production of RBCs. This medicine has some risks. Based on your situation, your doctor will decide whether the benefits of the medicine outweigh the risks.
- Medicines to prevent the body’s immune system from mistakenly attacking its own RBCs.
Chelation (ke-LAY-shun) therapy for lead poisoning (mainly in children).
Medical Procedures
Some types of serious anemia may require medical procedures. These procedures include blood transfusions and transplants of bone marrow or stem cells.
Blood Transfusions
Transfusions are given through a vein and require careful matching of donated blood with the recipient’s blood. The transfused blood must be compatible at least with the recipient’s blood type (A, AB, B, or O) and usually with other factors. People who receive blood transfusions on a regular basis must be monitored for iron overload—too much iron in the body. If too much iron accumulates, the person must have chelation therapy to reduce the excess iron that could cause damage to their organs.
Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant
Serious anemia, such as aplastic anemia, that results from the failure of bone marrow to make RBCs is sometimes treated with marrow or stem cell transplants. Donor marrow is usually taken from a large bone, such as the pelvis. Marrow is given by transfusion through a vein. Stem cells for a transplant can be from matched umbilical cord blood, from bone marrow donated by a family member, or from a matched but unrelated donor. Stem cells in bone marrow develop into mature blood cells.
Surgery may be necessary to control or stop serious or life-threatening bleeding that is causing anemia. For example, surgery may control chronic bleeding from a stomach ulcer or colon cancer.
Removal of the spleen may be necessary to stop or reduce high rates of RBC destruction. The spleen removes worn-out RBCs from the body. An enlarged or diseased spleen removes more RBCs than normal, causing anemia.
What is altitude sickness?
Altitude sickness occurs when you cannot get enough oxygen from the air at high altitudes. This causes symptoms such as a headache and not feeling like eating. It happens most often when people who are not used to high altitudes go quickly from lower altitudes to 8000 ft or higher. For example, you may get a headache when you drive over a high mountain pass, hike to a high altitude, or arrive at a mountain resort.
Mild altitude sickness is common. In the United States, more than 20% of people visiting the western mountains have it.1 Experts do not know who will get it and who will not. Your age, being male or female, and how physically fit you are play no role in whether you get altitude sickness.
Altitude sickness can be dangerous. It is smart to take special care if you go high-altitude hiking or camping (like in the Rockies) or have plans for a vacation or trek in high-altitude countries like Peru, Ecuador, or Nepal.
Altitude sickness is also called acute mountain sickness.
What causes altitude sickness?
Air is "thinner" at high altitudes. When you go too high too fast, your body cannot get as much oxygen as it needs. This causes the headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. As your body gets used to the altitude, the symptoms go away.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of altitude sickness include:
- Having a headache. The headache is usually throbbing. It gets worse during the night and when you wake up.
- Not feeling like eating.
- Feeling sick to your stomach. You may vomit.
- Feeling weak and lazy. In severe cases, you do not have the energy to eat, dress yourself, or do anything.
- Waking up during the night and not sleeping well.
- Feeling dizzy.
Altitude sickness can affect your lungs and brain. When this happens, symptoms include being confused, not being able to walk straight (ataxia), feeling faint, and having blue or gray lips or fingernails. When you breathe, you may hear a sound like a paper bag being crumpled. These symptoms mean the condition is severe. It may be deadly.
If you are going on a high-altitude trek, tell your group about altitude sickness, its symptoms, and how to treat it. Look out for each other. You can learn more about altitude sickness at the International Society for Mountain Medicine Web site at
How is altitude sickness diagnosed?
If you are at a high altitude, your doctor may think you have this condition. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and examine you. To rule out other conditions, your doctor may ask if you have been drinking fluids or alcohol or using any medicines, or if you have a cold or the flu.